EZQuote allows you to download historical end-of-day quotes for virtually any stock, index, ETF or mutual fund publicly traded in USA and other world markets. The data can be stored in Metastock or ASCII format and can be easily analyzed in any charting software package.
Data is downloaded in Metastock format. Therefore, you do not need to waste your time for data conversion. Download quotes and analyze data right away in your Metastock software. EZQuote supports Metastock 7, 8, 9 and 10 versions.
Easy conversion tool is included with EZQuote. It lets you convert data from Metastock format to ASCII format. Flexible conversion options allow you to create your own customized format, which is acceptable by charting software of your choice. Predefined settings are available for many popular charting software programs, including Excel, TradeStation, and Neuroshell.
EZQuote downloading process allows easy and fast download of the market quotes with convenient progress bar indicator and download report. You can stop your downloading process any time you want.
In addition to the predefined symbol lists for 22 world exchanges available, the latest version of symbol database includes FOREX quotes, US and foreign ETFs, variety of market indices, sectors broken down to industries and more, over 30,000 predefined symbols in total. This is a great tool to find and select the securities you are looking for. You can easily update your existing symbol database to the latest available.
Analyze any market or sector by using a market breadth calculator, which will let you easily build many popular market breadth indicators such as A/D Line, A/D Ratio, McClellan Oscillator, Arm Index and many others.
The latest version includes new features such as security search, index calculator and ability to load customized symbol lists using MetaStock standard sym files.

Keywords: stock, quotes, downloader, market

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