- Auto-send
- 128bit Secure.
- Clip Viewer: view your clipboard content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long codes, etc.). Easy access at any time with Win+C combination (Windows Start Key and C letter).
- Enhanced Security with list of allowed computers on network, password enforced, Favorites computers access, remote users (authorized or blocked), etc.
- Allows to compress remote clipboard information before transfer it to your computer, quick and easy!
- Log for process.
- Automatic Clear Clipboard tool, to clear your local clipboard content at specified interval.
- History of retrieved clipboard information, allows you to review/recall any previous remote clipboard information received from a remote computer.
- Quick and easy access with Easy Bar feature.
- Full Drag and Drop support.
- Copy IP's to clipboard.
- Complete and detailed Server log, debug mode capable.
- Check Internet for Updates
- TCP default port configuration
- Text Mini Pads
- Mini Previews
- Received Clipboards notifications
- Stop all access to your Network Clipboard with just one click
- Options and Preferences password protected
- Free Clipboard
- Load/Save Clipboard files
- Clipboard Images Preview (normal size and stretch)
- Stay on Top button
- Enhanced Compression Capable: from low level to high
- Send local clipboard to remote computer
- Send Message to remote computers/users
(requires Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or better).
- Skin change
- Easy Registration for Single and Network Center computers
- Very low cost for extra licenses
- EasyBar can monitor status of computers online and offline on your network
- Start with Windows
- Start Server on Startup
- Skinned/Windows defaults Load/Save dialogs
- Automatic Learning Mode
- Accept remote clipboards is configurable
- Much more...!!!

Keywords: network, automate, clipboard, network clipboard, windows clipboard, clipboard tools, free, utilities, tools, add-ons, remote, network clipboard, net send, share files

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