Ciansoft PDFBuilderX is an ActiveX (OCX) control that provides the capability to generate files in PDF format from within an application. Images, graphics and text can be included in the PDF document. Images to be added to the document can be read from files in many popular formats including BMP, TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG and others. Graphics can be created by drawing lines, rectangles, circles and ellipses in the document. Text can be written using a range of standard fonts or TrueType fonts available on your system. The user has full programmatic control over positioning and sizing of the images, graphics and text placed on the pages of the document. Text can be justified either left or right or centred. Automatic word-wrapping available. Hyperlinks can be added to text or images. Multiple page documents are supported, with no restrictions on mixing pages of different sizes. All page sizes are supported, either through customisation of width and height, or by selecting from a predefined list of standard sizes. Fonts can be embedded in the PDF file if required. A trial version of the control is available with full functionality. The only limitation of the trial is that a banner will be added on each page stating that trial software was used to create the PDF file.

Keywords: activex, ocx, pdf

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