When you are developing or supporting a large website, containing many pages and complex code, it is often necessary to make changes in several files simultaneously, in order to add new text or links to different pages, alter descriptions, keywords and other metatags, fix non-functioning links, redesign or optimize pages for search engines.
For these purposes we have developed Multiple Search & Replace. Our program differs from, and improves upon other similar programs in a number of key ways. Multiple File Search & Replace has a comfortable and convenient interface, geared specifically toward webmasters, web developers and search engine optimizers (SEO). Our program does not require knowledge of macro languages or reading complicated instructions. All the necessary information is incorporated into a comprehensive interface.
The program can also be extremely useful in preparation of HTML files, conversion and initial creation of text files, deletion or alteration of symbols and code punctuation, and editing of multiple web pages and other text files.
With the help of this program, you can quickly correct html code, text, and hyperlinks, and add new links or re-format the design of the entire site.

Keywords: find, search, replace, multiple replace, multiple find replace, multiple search replace, file replace, html file

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