BigEditor from Oraspeed is a 3 in 1 Tool - Text Editor, FTP tool & File compare. This tool can improve your productivity multifold regardless of whether you are a Programmer or Application Developer or Business Analyst. The Features at a glance.
Syntax Highlighting
Tabbed MDI and Classic MDI interface options
View in Browser
FTP tool
File Comparison Utility
File AutoRecover Feature
Code Snippets
Advanced Template System
Block Comment/UnComment
Block Indent/OutIndent
Current Line Highlighting
Unlimited Bookmarking
Block Change to Uppercase
Block Change to Lowercase
Convert SQL string to Client language like VB, Java, C++, Delphi
Convert back from Client language to SQL string
Clipboard Tool window

Keywords: Oracle IDE, Oracle, IDE, Oraspeed, SQL, PL/SQL, Editor, Debugger, Schema Browser, Create, Object, Wizard, TKPROF, Profiler, AutoTrace
