Finally the solution to Email Overload! Cruise Control, Rapid Email Response Software, the fastest tool available for creating personal replies to your overflowing Inbox of messages.
Every message you send will be better written and more detailed than if you typed it yourself, because Cruise Control can automatically formulate a response based on your reply to similar messages in the past. You need only think of the best response to a question once and then reuse it whenever you are asked again.
Best of all, Cruise Controls integrates with your favorite email software - such as Outlook, Outlook Express, etc (or directly with Gmail or your mail servers) - without affecting any settings or messages (unless requested). So you need only use Cruise Control when you want a power boost!
Ten ways cruise control enables you to reply faster:
1. Optimized workflow
2. Automatic guessing of best response
3. One-click insertion of text, images and files
4. Unlimited keyboard and text shortcuts
5. Powerful reply window offering all information in one place
6. Automatic guessing of the products being discussed in each email
7. Profiles: separate your support and sales emails
8. Fields: never type "dear tom" again!
9. Instant forwarding of messages
10. Intelligent spell checking

Keywords: Email, auto responder, customer response solution, customer response system, email reply management, email responder, e-mail responder, email responder software, e-mail responder software, email software, e-mail software, rapid responder, rapid responding

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