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Altova MapForce Professional Edition 2021r3 by: Altova, Inc.
Altova MapForce Professional Edition is a graphical data mapping tool for transforming between XML, database, and flat file formats. It converts data instantly or generates royalty-free application code for recurrent conversions.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $499.00 US
Downloads: 1378
Size: 71372 K
Date: 2021-06-01
Ability Mail Server 4.3.0 by: Code Crafters Software Limited
Ability Mail Server is an advanced, secure and high performing mail server. Featuring SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, WebMail, Remote Admin, LDAP, SSL, SPAM Filtering, Antivirus Filtering, Content Filtering, ODBC, IPv6 support and much more.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $80.00 US
Downloads: 2870
Size: 18839 K
Date: 2020-09-01
Advanced Pathway Painter 2.31 by: GSA
This program visualizes pathways. The user can display any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways (colours represent the value). Automatic pathway update from KEGG, BioCarta and GenMAPP.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 2587
Size: 9260 K
Date: 2020-08-04
AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP 8.3.16 by: AfterLogic Corporation
Open source PHP webmail front-end for your existing mail server. Fast and clean AJAX interface, IMAP/SMTP/SSL, LDAP, folders, rich-text editor, address book, web admin panel, UTF-8, non-English languages, MySQL, cPanel, Plesk.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1544
Size: 14996 K
Date: 2020-02-26
AfterLogic WebMail Pro PHP 8.3.17 by: AfterLogic Corporation
Premium-class PHP webmail front-end for your existing mail server. IMAP/SMTP/SSL, LDAP, mobile version, CalDAV/CardDAV mobile sync, folders, calendar, rich-text editor, address book, web admin panel, skins, UTF-8, MySQL, cPanel & Plesk support.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $49.00 US
Downloads: 1542
Size: 21021 K
Date: 2020-02-26
Google Maps Downloader 8.789 by:
Google Maps Downloader is a tool that help you to get small tile images from Google maps. You can view downloaded maps by Maps Viewer Or combine them into a big bmp, tif, jpg, png, ecw, sgi, img, kmz file, or mbtiles file.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $49.95 US
Downloads: 2367
Size: 8410 K
Date: 2020-01-04
TOPOWIN 19.00 by: Killet Software Ing.-GbR
TOPOWIN is a state-wide register of the German topographic cartographies and of localities with geo references in different coordinate systems. It also is a topographic information system.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $125.00 US
Downloads: 902
Size: 4735 K
Date: 2019-12-30
Altova MapForce Enterprise Edition 2020sp1 by: Altova, Inc.
Altova MapForce Enterprise Edition is a graphical data mapping, integration, and ETL tool. Map any combination of XML, database, EDI, XBRL, flat file, Excel, JSON, and Web service, then convert data instantly or automate recurrent conversions.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $999.00 US
Downloads: 2152
Size: 124951 K
Date: 2019-12-03
SpaceObServer 6.1 by: JAM Software GmbH
The complete hard disk space manager for Windows. Scans directory trees and stores structure and size in a SQL database. Report of space usage, growth and more in tabular views, bar, pie, line chars, tree map. Integrated file search.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $229.00 US
Downloads: 593
Size: 38657 K
Date: 2019-09-26
EntityDAC 2.2 by: Devart
EntityDAC is an ORM for Delphi with LINQ support. It provides a framework that allows performing object-relational mapping of database objects to Delphi classes with full support for encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and other OOP features.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $149.95 US
Downloads: 1073
Size: 242258 K
Date: 2019-07-25
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