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BearShare Mp3 Downloader 5.7.0 by: PronetSharing
Bearshare Mp3 Downloader is a p2p file sharing client created for extended simplicity and functionality and multiple network connections; it provides lots of useful features, a straightforward interface and refined searching abilities.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1680
Size: 996 K
Date: 2019-03-01
BitTorrent MP3 6.2.0 by: PronetSharing
BitTorrent Mp3 is one of the best ways to download all the music you want with minimum effort. The program offers speed, user-friendliness and great functionality. You have access to lots of features and customizing options.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1675
Size: 13919 K
Date: 2019-01-03
GnutellaWire 5.2.0 by: MyNetSharing
GnutellaWire is an advanced p2p client that employs the latest technology available in this field for faster and safer downloads. It's easy to use, has a stylish design and supports the Gnutella file-sharing protocol.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1785
Size: 5290 K
Date: 2018-10-23
BitDrom 4.1.0 by: BitDrom
Bitdrom is a Java based BitTorrent client full of functions and options to make your downloading via BitTorrent smooth and unfailing. It offers plug-in capabilities meant to expand the download experience according the user's needs.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1385
Size: 13736 K
Date: 2018-10-17
Quantum 3.9.0 by: Quantum Torrents
Quantum is a resilient p2p file sharing client able to deliver torrent download at great speeds and with a plus of convenience and accuracy. It includes features like multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems and advanced seeding rules.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1586
Size: 12094 K
Date: 2018-10-15
KoolWire P2P 4.5.0 by: BestWebSharing
KoolWire is a powerful all-in-one p2p client based on Limewire but evolved toward a more convenient, user-oriented concept. It's simple, fast and supports the Gnutella file-sharing protocol connecting with any user running a Gnutella-compatible app.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 701
Size: 8299 K
Date: 2018-10-08
FeyTorrents 3.7.0 by: Fey Tools
FeyTorrents is an Vuze-based p2p file sharing client capable of ensuring fast and secure torrent downloading at high speeds. The program is very resourceful to both beginners and advanced users and has tones of features.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 640
Size: 12971 K
Date: 2017-11-29
bitShare 4.4.0 by: MyNetSharing
bitShare is a fully-featured p2p file sharing program that offers user-friendly functionality and support for multiple popular networks like Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent. The best app for grabbing any file you want from p2p networks.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 791
Size: 6615 K
Date: 2017-04-04
Sharetastic 4.7.0 by: GoForSharing
Sharetastic is a straightforward, solid file sharing program with exceptional features such as ghost ratings, a completely user-configurable queue area, and multinetwork. This application supports Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent networks
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 695
Size: 6989 K
Date: 2016-06-03
ShareGhost 4.3.0 by: Sharest
ShareGhost is a greatly-designed, vastly capable p2p file sharing application that supports Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent networks. It was developed for better functionality and the ultimate ease of use.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1079
Size: 4306 K
Date: 2016-04-20
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