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Innovative calculator - InnoCalculator 1.1.32 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
InnoCalculator is a multipurpose and comprehensive desktop calculator for Windows. Its underling implementation encompasses high precision, sturdiness and multi-functionality.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
Downloads: 2188
Size: 3688 K
Date: 2019-12-21
Gadwin PrintScreen 6.1 by: Gadwin, Ltd.
Gadwin PrintScreen is an easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen, save it to a file, copy it to Windows clipboard, print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1491
Size: 16077 K
Date: 2019-05-10
VSdocman 7.6 by: Helixoft
VSdocman is a Visual Studio tool for commenting and the automatic generation of class documentation from your C# and VB .NET source code files. It automatically creates MSDN-like documentation, IntelliSense and F1 context sensitive help.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $229.00 US
Downloads: 1315
Size: 4197 K
Date: 2016-10-08
HelpNDoc by: IBE Software
Full-featured help authoring tool, easy and powerful, producing HTML help files, CHM, PDF, Word, iPhone, ePub, Kindle and QtHelp documentation from a single source. Write help topics in the built-in word processor, hit the Generate button: it's done!
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1347
Size: 18414 K
Date: 2016-01-20
RoboAuthor 2016.7.8 by: Visual Vision
The easy way to create professional Help systems and documentation for web-based and desktop software applications. One manual, one file. A single source document for HTMLHelp (.CHM) and WinHelp (.HLP) output, and plain HTML for Web. No coding reqd.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $119.00 US
Downloads: 386
Size: 4055 K
Date: 2015-12-18
ApexSQL Doc 2016.01 by: ApexSQL Tools
ApexSQL Doc documents SQL Servers, databases, objects, and SSIS packages in a single document. Create database documentation in CHM, HTML, PDF, DOC or DOCX formats. SQL Server 2014 and Azure support.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $299.00 US
Downloads: 774
Size: 13288 K
Date: 2015-12-11
Fasthelp by: Telenoise GbR
A Windows Help File Generator that produces HtmlHelp (.CHM), WinHelp (.HLP) files and more... Fast-Help is a Windows Help File Generator that will produce HtmlHelp (.CHM), Website Help, WinHelp (.HLP), Printable Manuals, MS Word Manuals and PDF.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $299.00 US
Downloads: 765
Size: 23699 K
Date: 2015-03-23
FileOne 1.2.7c by: daxLAB Limited
FileOne is an email client, note taking PIM in its basic form and might be a possible alternative to OneNote or EverNote. It combines and stores email, notes, documents, music, movies, calendar into a treeview structured single file database.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $25.00 US
Downloads: 428
Size: 21497 K
Date: 2014-12-21
Report Tool for Cisco Unified Comms 10.5 by: Uplinx Software Pty Ltd
Report Tool for Cisco Unified Communications (CUCM, CUPS, CUC) produces comprehensive documentation (Word, HTML, CHM, Excel format): Configuration Report (all objects) and Phone Inventory Report (serial, model, MAC, switch neighbor,...). Free demo.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $590.00 US
Downloads: 316
Size: 31250 K
Date: 2014-09-30
dbdesc 4.1.0 by: Logica2
DbDesc is designed to fully document SQL Server, MySQL, Access and Firebird databases. It allows you to completely customize the output using XSL templates. Html, Rtf and Word templates are included. New report engine with PDF support.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
Downloads: 665
Size: 10800 K
Date: 2014-07-25
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