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RekenTest 4.4.1 by: Hendrik Jan Runhaar
RekenTest is open source educational software to practice arithmetic skills. Supports basic arithmetic operations with whole numbers, decimals, money problems, percentages and fractions. Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Turkish.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 2092
Size: 4676 K
Date: 2021-02-24
Portfolio Performance Monitoring 3.1 by: Business Spreadsheets
The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation for portfolios of financial investments. Amount and timing of investment and divestment transactions are accounted for in performance calculations.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $22.00 US
Downloads: 567
Size: 123 K
Date: 2015-09-30
WinParrot by: DPC
Record & playback Windows macros (mouse & keys, keystrokes with snapshots)
WinParrot requires no installation and no administration right.
Start recording your tasks or your entries, WinParrot will replay them immediately without programming.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 270
Size: 1906 K
Date: 2015-04-01
Transaction 1.7 by: Max Programming, S.L.
Transaction is an easy-to-use, full featured and multi-purpose interactive data analysis and reporting tool intended to help you control your online sales.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $59.00 US
Downloads: 550
Size: 8214 K
Date: 2013-11-20
Standard Software Icons 2013.3 by: Aha-Soft
Standard Software Icons is large set of eye-caching software-related icons meticulously created by professional artists that come in a variety of sizes, formats and states. The set is an ideal choice for navigation panels and toolbars of all sorts.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $99.95 US
Downloads: 613
Size: 2978 K
Date: 2013-03-20
Design Your Keys 1.01.05 by: Super Win Software, Inc.
Work faster and easier by customizing the keys of your keyboard to do what you want them to do. Free Trial.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
Downloads: 463
Size: 864 K
Date: 2013-02-15
toKaos 1.3.7 by: K-SOL S.r.l.
toKaos is a desktop software application which allows you to encrypt/obfuscate your Flash/Flex AS3 application protecting your work from SWF/SWC decompilers. After the process you can compile and deploy your product (Encrypted SWF or Encrypted SWC).
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $150.00 US
Downloads: 467
Size: 12607 K
Date: 2013-01-25
OmniValue 4.0 by: Milliplex
Manage and analyze financial investments and retail product inventory and sales.OmniValue provides advanced portfolio management, web updates, tax calculation, and in depth analysis of financial and retail product sales metrics
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $29.00 US
Downloads: 323
Size: 2246 K
Date: 2011-11-29
irrFuscator 2.2.0 by: Ambiera e.U.
irrFuscator is an ActionScript obfuscator. It protects .SWF files as well as .AS and .MXML files, no matter if you use Flash or flex. irrFuscator is available for the command line but also comes with a convenient GUI frontend.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $94.00 US
Downloads: 350
Size: 178 K
Date: 2011-05-27
Flash Secure Optimizer 2.4.11 by: Eramsoft
Protect ActionScripts and compress SWF files. Support Flash CS5.5 and ActionScript 3. Identifier Renaming (Identifier Obfuscation), Strings Encryption, Encrypted Domain Locking, Obscuring ActionScripts and reduces file size by optimizing SWF file.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $49.95 US
Downloads: 507
Size: 1634 K
Date: 2011-02-27
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