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2D Barcode FMX Components by: Han-soft Corporation
A FireMonkey components set designed for generating 2D barcode symbols including QRCode, PDF417 etc. The database function is supported, OS X, 32/64-bit iOS, Android, 32/64-bit Windows are supported. Delphi/C++Builder XE2-10.3 Rio are supported.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $139.00 US
Downloads: 1719
Size: 37377 K
Date: 2020-01-01
2D Barcode VCL Components by: Han-soft Corporation
The components set is designed for generating and printing 2D barcode in your Delphi or C++ Builder application. Most popular matrix and stacked 2D barcode symbologies are supported. Database functionality and most popular reports are supported.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $125.00 US
Downloads: 1726
Size: 15745 K
Date: 2020-01-01
Free 2D Barcode Generator by: Han-soft Corporation
The programe generates and prints most popular matrix and stacked 2D barcode symbologies including Aztec Code, Data Matrix, QR Code, PDF417, Micro QR Code, MicroPDF417, MaxiCode, Code 16K, RSS family, etc.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 846
Size: 603 K
Date: 2020-01-01
VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 12.0 by: VintaSoft Ltd.
Professional 1D and 2D barcode reader and generator SDK for .NET, WPF, .NET Core, ASP.NET and Xamarin.Android. Supported barcode types: QR, DataMatrix, Aztec, PDF417, Han Xin Code, MaxiCode, Code 39, Code 128, EAN-8, EAN-13, RSS-14, GS1, UPC, etc.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $319.95 US
Downloads: 1184
Size: 17407 K
Date: 2019-04-04
bcTester Barcode Reading and Testing by: QS QualitySoft GmbH
bcTester 4.9 is freeware for barcode reading (linear and 2D Aztec, Data Matrix, PDF417 and QR Code) on images captured by scanners or cameras (bmp, tif, jpg,..) or Adobe pdf-files. Test if your barcodes are readable and check the content!
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1722
Size: 15962 K
Date: 2018-07-10
ActiveX 2D DataMatrix and PDF417 2018 by: PrecisionID
Data Matrix and PDF417 Barcodes are easily created with PrecisionID's 2D ActiveX Barcode Control. The Data Matrix and PDF417 software generates high quality bar code images in any ActiveX compatible environment.
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $199.00 US
Downloads: 334
Size: 1146 K
Date: 2018-06-25
Barcode Reader SDK 4.2.244 by: DTK Software
DTK Barcode Reader SDK is a powerful developer library for barcode recognition functionality integration into your Windows applications. Reads the barcodes from different image formats (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP), including PDF (Portable Document Format).
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $430.00 US
Downloads: 713
Size: 9273 K
Date: 2015-05-20
J4L-BarCode, Java edition 2.1.4 by: J4L Components
Java component that support all major 1D and 2D barcode types. It can be used as applet, in JSP, servlet, Webservice, in mobile devices (J2ME and Android), Jasper reports, PDF files (Apache FOP), XSL-FO and more.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $64.00 US
Downloads: 764
Size: 539 K
Date: 2014-02-12
Barcode Creator Software Barcode Studio 15.1.3 by: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
With Barcode Studio you create and print all 1D, GS1, 2D Barcodes in perfect quality - even in batch operation! More than 100 barcode symbologies are generated, printed or saved as EPS and images files: Code128, EAN, UPC, GTIN, DataMatrix, QRCode
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $115.00 US
Downloads: 1452
Size: 11416 K
Date: 2014-01-15
Barcode Generator - Barcode DLL 11.1.2 by: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
This Barcode DLL generates, creates and prints more than 100 different linear and 2D barcodes as part of your C/C++/VB/PHP/Delphi application. Special bar-code know-how is not required, perfect barcode quality is ensured, available for x32 and x64!
[read more] [download] License: Demo, Price: $115.00 US
Downloads: 1007
Size: 20152 K
Date: 2014-01-13
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