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Imaging Express 1.4.6 by: Vixelsoft
An image viewer and editor especially suited for handling document imaging for Windows, with the ability to read and save multipage scanned images in TIFF or PDF, support over 30+ formats, read and add Kodak Imaging compatible annotations.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $39.00 US
Downloads: 364
Size: 4743 K
Date: 2012-05-28
Rename Multiple Files Using Metadata Software 7.0 by: Sobolsoft
Rename many photo, video and media files based on the tags stored inside the file. Some of these tags include: Camera Model Number, Create Data, Time/Date, File Size, Image Description, Image Height, Image Width and many other fields.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $19.99 US
Downloads: 316
Size: 7849 K
Date: 2010-06-27
Canon Digital Camera Repair by: Data recovery shareware
Digital camera photos recovery tool is useful in retrieving accidentally deleted photographs, video files. Easily retrieve images from all type of digital camera including Digital Video cameras, Point and shoot cameras, Novelty cameras and many more.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
Downloads: 568
Size: 1976 K
Date: 2009-09-11
Kodak Photo Recovery by: Free flash drive recovery
Restore lost and deleted digital images, snaps, pictures, audio, video file or RAW file extensions like jpg, jpeg, gif etc from digital camera or camcorder storage device. Option to save at user specific location and easily install on Windows Vista
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
Downloads: 381
Size: 1976 K
Date: 2009-09-11
Recover Corrupt JPG Files by: Undelete software
Deleted multimedia photographs recovery utility fetch lost data rescue corrupted still images and photos including JPEG TIFF AVI MPEG 3gp MOV file format. Quick files retrieval tool repair virus worm infected XD-picture card, smart digital media.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
Downloads: 384
Size: 1536 K
Date: 2009-09-11
DPX TimeCode Editor 1.07 by: MonkeyJob Systems
The DPX timecode editor will increment time codes starting from an initial time code and increasing by 1 frame for each subsequent dpx file. Recently added: convert Kodak Cineon files to DPX format
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
Downloads: 484
Size: 1976 K
Date: 2009-02-18
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