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File by OCR 4.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
File by OCR automatically names files and places them in a file folder structure based on the document's OCR text contents. It can extract text from a searchable PDF and name and file it as well, or it can extract the OCR text and build a csv file.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $1095.00 US
Downloads: 456
Size: 36678 K
Date: 2012-08-07
Simple Zonal OCR 3.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
Simple Zonal OCR is a simple to use program that renames files with captured OCR text. Batch processing can be achieved with blank page detection. It validates OCR text with EasyPatterns and offers fuzzy logic character replacement.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $1095.00 US
Downloads: 338
Size: 45895 K
Date: 2012-08-07
PDF Distributor 2.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
PDF Distributor is a program that will separate a multi-page text searchable PDF and distribute it via email based upon its contents. It is ideally suited for distributing reports and statements without printing and mailing.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $749.95 US
Downloads: 313
Size: 73246 K
Date: 2012-07-19
Simple Barcode Filer 5.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
Simple Barcode Filer looks in up to two locations on a file for a barcode. When a barcode is found the file is split and renamed the contents from the two barcodes. It is ideal for filing structured documents such as accounting or student records.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $1295.00 US
Downloads: 461
Size: 70258 K
Date: 2012-06-28
Multi Print 2.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
Multi Print watches a file folder for the arrival of a tiff imge or PDF, from a copier or virtual printer. When a Tiff image is found it is sent to specified printers and printed and then optionally saved as a PDF or in its original format.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
Downloads: 375
Size: 13636 K
Date: 2010-11-10
OCR File Splitter 2.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
OCR File Splitter is a program that is designed to split files based upon text contents. It can be used on Tiff Images (requires Microsoft Office Document Imaging) or searchable PDF files.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $499.00 US
Downloads: 528
Size: 10096 K
Date: 2010-11-04
Tiff to Text 3.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
Tiff to Text is designed to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in a batch process. The program utilizes the OCR engine from Nuance (Owners of OMNI Page - formally ScanSoft) that is included with Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI).
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $199.00 US
Downloads: 455
Size: 4737 K
Date: 2010-02-25
Tiff Numbering 1.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
Tiff Numbering is a program that is designed to stamp Tiff images with a number (commonly referred to as a "Bates Stamp") in a manner where it does not obstruct any portion of the image.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $99.00 US
Downloads: 283
Size: 13972 K
Date: 2009-08-27
Batch Scan to Email 1.1 by: eDocfile Inc.
Batch Scan to email is a utility that is designed to increase productivity in the distribution of company's documents. It allows a user to batch scan files to email, ftp sites and network folders by using a cover page.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $495.00 US
Downloads: 831
Size: 26823 K
Date: 2009-05-30
Tiff to Text III 4.0 by: eDocfile Inc.
A software utility that allows batch processing the user to duplicate a file folder structure of Tif images into one that contains text searchable tifs, PDF files and text files. Uses the OCR enginge in Microsoft's Document Imaging.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $249.00 US
Downloads: 477
Size: 9214 K
Date: 2009-05-19
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