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@SwIt Printfil 5.25 by: aSwIt Srl: Mail, Print for DOS, Windows
Print from DOS, Unix, Linux to Windows printers: USB, GDI, PDF, e-mail, network, IP, fax. Capture LPT1:-LPT9: & COM1:-COM9: and redirect the jobs, even to a printer physically connected to the captured port and w/out physical LPT/COM ports installed
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $52.00 US
Downloads: 1014
Size: 2620 K
Date: 2019-11-14
@Kill 1.2 by: aSwIt Srl: Mail, Print for DOS, Windows
Allows you to list all the opened windows (applications) on your Windows machine (including hidden and trayed) and to kill them by specifing PART of their titles.
Works also as a command line utility and can be invoked by batch files. Freeware.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 161
Size: 919 K
Date: 2015-07-13
FileInMail 2.4 by: aSwIt Srl: Mail, Print for DOS, Windows
FileInMail automatically monitor disk folders for specified files. As soon as they appears, the files are archived on disk, even as ZIP, and forwarded via e-mail to one or more recipients through your own e-mail Client program or an SMTP server.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $33.50 US
Downloads: 642
Size: 1375 K
Date: 2015-07-01
Odbc 4 All 2.3 by: aSwIt Srl: Mail, Print for DOS, Windows
Allows any application, including DOS apps and batch files, to easily run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, MySql, Oracle, Informix, ...) redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file / table or a DBF table.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $64.00 US
Downloads: 323
Size: 1131 K
Date: 2015-06-16
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