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DEVELOPED SECTION for AutoCAD 1.7d by: Rcad Software
An add-on for AUTOCAD 2002-2020 or BricsCAD V14-V20, which determines the unfolded section of one set of 3DSOLID, 3DMESH or 3DFACE entities and vertical planes passing through a 2D POLYLINE which may contain arcs, in XOY plane.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $9.00 US
Downloads: 1142
Size: 739 K
Date: 2020-09-26
3DINTERSECTION for AutoCAD 4.3 by: Rcad Software
An add-on for AUTOCAD or BricsCAD which determines the intersection curves between 2 sets consisting of 3DFACE, 3DSOLID or 3DMESH entities. It can also generate cross sections to a POLYLINE and can draw the conversion to 3DFACE of the 3DSOLID.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $23.67 US
Downloads: 1984
Size: 614 K
Date: 2019-03-23
FURNIT 2.7 by: Rcad Software
Design of furniture. An add-on for AutoCAD 2013-2019! You can project bodies composed from plates and assemblings. Holes, grooves or edgings can be applied. Execution drawings and lists are automatically generated.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $172.00 US
Downloads: 1321
Size: 37356 K
Date: 2018-05-30
TRIANGULATION for IntelliCAD 3.9d by: Rcad Software
TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME, LOADING of XYZ points files, 3DINTERSECTION and sections, color-filled contour map ; 7 functions for IntelliCAD versions which can load SDS applications (dll).
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $22.00 US
Downloads: 508
Size: 587 K
Date: 2017-10-22
VDAFS TO DXF and NC Converter and Viewer 2.8d by: Rcad Software
Converts VDAFS file to DXF file (in 3DFACE entities) and generates a NC program for milling. RCAD core provides OpenGL real-time orbit, pan, zoom, shading and lighting. You can load STL files also.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $58.00 US
Downloads: 852
Size: 1058 K
Date: 2017-10-22
TRIANGULATION for AutoCAD 2.0 by: Rcad Software
An add-on for AUTOCAD, for the TRIANGULATION of a set of point, isolines, KML creator, the VOLUME of a set of 3dface entities, loading of XYZ points files and sections.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $136.00 US
Downloads: 588
Size: 578 K
Date: 2015-06-22
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