Software by Canadian Mind Products |
Ini File Tidier/Verifier 1.4 (Downloads: 398)
Windows *.ini file verifier, tidier and sorter.
Bulk Emailer 1.7 (Downloads: 743)
The bulk emailer program sends the same email to many people.
File Transfer 2.6 (Downloads: 802)
Java classes to cop, upload and download files.
Masker 1.9 (Downloads: 317)
Hides email addresses from spammers as PNG image files.
LEDataStream 1.8 (Downloads: 600)
Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAcces
FontShowerAWT 2.9 (Downloads: 519)
Displays all the fonts available to AWT in Java.
Boyer 1.5 (Downloads: 689)
Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
FilenameFilters 2.7 (Downloads: 544)
Colllecton of Java FilenameFilters.
Pentium/AMD CPU ID 1.6 (Downloads: 607)
Java code to tell you facts about the Pentium and AMD CPU.
SortedArrayList and Merge 1.4 (Downloads: 481)
Sort and Merge ArrayLists efficiently.